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Here are several photo gallerys from shows I have directed. Click on one to see more.



​   Much Ado

About Nothing


in the Park


The Taming of the Shrew

Comedy of Errors

Drinking Alone

Arms and the Man


      The Taming of the Shrew
“…Johnson’s update works flawlessly and completely, adding layers of humor for theatregoers who might not routinely warm up to Shakespeare.

The result is a delightful and hilarious entertainment that’s just right for fans of Shakespeare—and everyone else.”

Cincinnati City Beat 11/30/2009

        The Comedy of Errors
“To a man and a woman, they play inside their roles no matter how silly…That’s the trick and they’ve mastered it, most probably lead there by director Johnson.

For all its spaceships, flying nuns and gorillas (yes, there’s a gorilla), the language smiles through, intact, respected and as sweet and thrilling as it should be.”

Cincinnati City Beat 4/6/2009


            Drinking Alone

“If this performance measures up to even half the promise of the scenery and the director’s notes, it’ll be something extraordinary. It did, and it is.

All of the elements—playwriting, directing, acting, and design—coalesce into a powerful piece of theater. An intense human experience….has the makings of a major work by a local playwright.”

Cincinnati City Beat 6/15/2005


         Arms and the Man
You’ll find yourself laughing out loud at a 115-year-old play that feels like a piece of contemporary humor.”

Cincinnati City Beat 5/11/2009


“…like gears in a finely made watch…perfectly attuned to Beckett’s script…an artful work, poetic and more often aloof, dancing along the boundary between meaning and understanding...”


Cincinnati City Beat 1/30/2008

© 2012 MatchOhnson. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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